Maker Monday: Claire Sommersbuck

Maker Monday: Claire Sommersbuck

I’m excited for you to meet this gal. Claire is a maker to the core and somehow manages to stay grounded in her work, inspired in her designs, and run a business at the same time.


How did you get started?

I grew up in a family of craftspeople, so from a very early age I knew that working with my hands was in my blood. However, it wasn’t until after I earned a degree in International Environmental Studies and traveled through South & Central America making jewelry, that I discovered metal-smithing. It is a craft that I continue to fall in love with everyday. In 2009, I spent time studying jewelry fabrication and casting at Penland School of Crafts in the mountains of North Carolina. While there, I learned excellent foundational skills and have since been developing my work independently. Working on my own in this way has given me a very raw and unique perspective on my craft, one that allows me a lot of personal and creative freedom.

Where in Austin do you go for inspiration?

I typically find myself sitting on the beautiful grassy hill at Barton Springs reading, writing, sketching & daydreaming. There is something about the breeze & cool water that helps me to completely reset—just what I need to clear my mind for new ideas.


Who are your favorite Austin artists/makers?

Whoa, this list could be huge. There are SO many incredible artists & makers in Austin. How do I even begin?

My favorite artists who can literally pick up any drawing utensil and make serious magic are Elizabeth Schwaiger, & Rachel Wolfson-Smith. They are leading the Austin visual art scene with their daring, unique and impressive work.

My favorite makers/photographers/craftspeople are M.E. Shirley, Fail Jewelry, Ashlee Newman Photography, Curry Beth & Fort Lonesome.

My favorite ethical fashion brands (which is something I have become more and more interested in lately) are Teysha, Fortress of Inca and Honest Cotton. These brands are doing some really awesome work in Austin and in Latin America.


What do you love about this city?

Austin has been a fantastic place to grow my business. The energy and support for creative small businesses here is incredible and it’s really encouraging to see local brands thrive. Because of this energy as well as the laid-back environment, living and working in Austin not only provides me with the space I need to honestly create, but also the genuine support I need to grow my business. Plus, on a personal level, the people are fantastic, the vibe is fun and Barton Springs is a gold mine.


What drives your creative process?

I look at a lot of ethnic and folk jewelry from around the world when I am designing a new collection. My latest designs in my Lanna Collection emerged from a recent trip to Thailand. The spirit and love radiating from that country is magical and it was really special developing a collection from my observations. I am also very much inspired by the materials themselves and the ways in which they can be manipulated. Often, the materials tell me if a design is working or not.

What’s the toughest part of your work?

Owning your own creative business is certainly a rollercoaster of ups and downs on a monthly, weekly and even hourly basis. It is super challenging to be one person wearing so many hats. Over the years, I have realized that building a community around your business is incredibly valuable. Having a network of smart people around me that I can seek for advice or bounce ideas off of has been integral in my success as a businessperson. Plus, simply knowing I’m not alone on this path is huge!


What advice would you give someone just starting out in your line of work?

Genuinely know & love your craft. Without this foundation, navigating the world of business can be tough.

Thanks Claire!

To find more from this talented maker check her out on Instagram @clairesommersbuck or at

P.S. Know a maker that should be featured here? Send me an email:


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