Private Parties and Events

Private Parties and Events

Host a private event for you and your friends. You can even design your own Learnshop! Choose the topic, choose the people, and we’ll do the rest!


Learnshops are perfect for small groups of friends, coworkers, or special events. Maybe you want do something slightly off the beaten path for your friend’s bachelorette weekend, or you want to bond with your co-workers and the regular after work happy hours aren’t quite cutting it.

That’s when a unique workshop experience is just what you need.

Learnshops can:

  • Bring people together in a common purpose
  • Open people up creatively
  • Take people out of regular day to day interactions
  • Open up new conversations between friends and co-workers
  • Provide a way to get to know someone more deeply
  • Build authentic relationships
  • Give everyone something to do
  • Provide a safe and light-hearted bonding experience

Example Learnshops:

  • watercolor painting
  • brush lettering
  • woodworking
  • cocktail class
  • raw chocolate class
  • cooking class
  • wine tasting
  • pickling
  • soap making
  • homemade cleaners
  • body scrubs
  • And almost anything else you can think of!

How does it work?

  1. Pick the Learnshop that interests you most. Check out our past Learnshops here. (Hint: more than one idea interests you? No worries. We can help you choose.)
  2. Choose the place. Would you rather have it in our space or the comfort of your home or office?
  3. Fill out this short form, and we will get back to you shortly.

Um, I’m not sure…

Have questions? Just send us an email: