Are you a small business owner, creative wiz, or just especially talented at niche craft? We’d love to get to know you!
Teacher Feature:
Teachers of Austin Learnshops get access to an audience of people to share their skills, knowledge and help grow an appreciation for their art.
“Now I understand why jewelry costs so much, it’s a lot of work to make!” – Ring Design attendee
Austin Learnshop is all for promoting your business and you as a person. We aim to bring the best people in as teachers and coach them so that their class will be rockin.
Many Austin Learnshop teachers have made connections within the Learnshops that they now work and collaborate with. Other teachers have seen their client base grow and their product sales have increased!
Think you’d like to teach? Fill out this form, tell us a bit about yourself and we’ll be in touch with you soon!